Age in your own home
with peace of mind


Alerts and Statuses


    Immediately know when your family member has fallen


    Stay informed when your family member remains motionless for too long


    Know how many people are with your family member or when a stranger is detected.


    Be notified when a family member leaves their home


    Identify when your family member is sleeping


    Know which room your family member is located in within their unit

Notify families in case
of emergency

Using smart home technology our software will notify your loved ones if anything happens. If you fall or if you don’t leave the bedroom, they will know!

Be entertained

Games, quiz, music! Our system will keep you entertained! Pick your favorites and we will make sure you are always having fun in your home!

Connect with your all your loved ones

Receive voice notes from your grand-children, send them news, look at recent pictures of their activites with shared albums, quickly connect to a video call and see them!

Learn more about how our solution